Saturday, May 26, 2007


We are the pupils of 1E.

Hehehe...let's do a funny pose!

River Walk - 25th May'07

It is our "River Walk" day today!!! Yippie...we are so excited!!!!

"Where is the bus?"

Finally, we are up on the bus.

We alighted at the Esplanade and walked to the Singapore River. It was a hot and sunny day. Luckily, we brought our caps :-)

As we were walking, we saw so many cranes, boats and the Singapore Flyer.

Can you see the cranes? There are so many of them!

This is the Singapore Flyer.

They are still building it. When they finish, we can sit on it and look at the whole of Singapore from up above!

We saw the Merlions too. There were 2 of them. A baby one and a big one.

This is the baby Merlion.

This is the big Merlion.

Oh! We are so hungry...look at us munching on our food!

We brought biscuits, sandwiches and other yummy food.

It's time to go back to school. We are so tired.

Back at school..
We had a short recess..then went back to class..

Mrs. Sharmini asked us to draw what we had seen on our 'River Walk'.

We had so much of fun!

Decorating our paper plates for Zhonghua's 20th Birthday

Zhonghua's 20th birthday is coming!!!
We have to make 'sunshine' paper plates so that it can be put around our school.

First, we decorate our paper plates.

Then, we have to paste the colourful paper.

Our completed 'sunshine'paper plates!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Decorating our recycle bins

Hey everone!
Look at how busy we are..decorating our recycle bins.
We are recycling the magazines to decorate the doggy and the mushroom.

Our doggy's name is called Furry and our mushroom's name is called Grandsazer

"We are in-charge of Furry"

"We are in-charge of Grandsazer."

"We are in-charge of tearing the magazine into small pieces."

Hey everyone, look at our completed work! :-)

Don't they look so colourful and nice?

All our hard work has paid off :-)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Let's find out how long are these...

Look at Yushun, using straws to measure the length of the chair's legs!

We can use ice-cream sticks to measure the length of our Math Textbook!

Show and Tell

Good afternoon everyone..
Today, I am going to talk about my favourite toy..

We did a show and tell about our favourite toy. It was so interesting to see what the favourite toys of my friends were!

En-Hsuan's favourite toy is a teddy bear.
She said, "I play with my teddy bear every day."

James said, "This is my birthday present."

Nicholas brought a toy car and showed us how it moves.
Nicholas said, "See how fast it can go!"

Our Math Trail Champion

Hey everyone! I'm the Math Trail champion for April. Come on..try out the online worksheets at home..they are really fun!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Let's subtract

Have you seen our colourful 'spinner wheels?'

Let's spppiiinnn them!

No James, it's like this....

Remember to put the cubes in the correct place in the place value chart.

1E's ice-cream party

Guess what?
We had our very own ice-cream party in class. It was so fun! We got to choose our own toppings for our vanilla-flavoured ice cream.

This tastes so yummy!!

"Ice cream, ice cream yummy stuff."

"Ice cream, ice cream makes me tough."

Look at our muscles!

Our budding actors and actresses - part 3

Hmm.. we are getting to be quite good at acting!

We are now acting out the characters for the big book 'Crocodile's Tea.'

Pranup is our 'hungry crocodile.' He is waiting to snap up all the animals.

"Kerchoo! Kerchoo! Kerchoo!"

Out come all the animals..

Hehehe..look at us on the floor!

Our budding actors and actresses - part 2

Look at us acting out the characters from our big book 'Who will be my mother'.

Getting into position..

"Will you be my mother?"
"No, I can't. I am a cow."
"Will you be my mother?"
"No, I can't. I am a horse."

"Will you be my mother?"
"No, I can't. I am a chicken."
"Will you be my mother?"
"All right. I will be your mother."