Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hi children,

I had a wonderful time with all of you this year.

Remember to study hard during the holidays..
And have fun too :-)

Take care and I'll see you all next year..

Shawn and Zhong Jun, I wish you all the best in your new schools..

Best wishes,
Mrs. Sharmini

Learning journey to the science centre eco-garden

Hey everyone, we are going on our learning journey to the science centre eco-garden...

Look! Look! Can you see that?

It's time to eat..we are so hungry already!

Look what we saw! A huge chameleon! We saw how it slowly creeped up to its bowl of water.

Wow! Can you see that? We saw so many different types of plants and trees.

Say "cheese"

Here we are..up on a tree house :-) We can look at the trees and plants from high up here.

We saw a big moth too.

It's time to eat again.. we are hungry!

Hooray! We went into the science centre next!

Some of us tested our strength by hitting the hammer on the tin.

Hehe..look at Nicholas the skeleton and Thomas the muscleman!

Hehe...and...Shawn the skeleton and Pranup the muscleman!

We had so much of fun at the eco-garden and at the science centre :-)

Monday, December 3, 2007

The 'money' game

We can even count money now!!

Look at us playing this 'money' game.

We have to guess how much money is under the bowl.

Close your eyes everyone..

This is fun!