Saturday, January 26, 2008

Activity on compound words

Do you what compound words are?

It means that we can join two separate words to form a new word!

For example,
sun and flower --> sunflower
foot and ball --> football

Isn't that interesting?

Here we are, doing an activity on compound words.

Our Classroom

Now, our classroom is on the 2nd floor..

Come on, have a look at our classroom :-)

Our notice board

This is where we paste our stickers if we get full marks for our spelling or if we are well-behaved. Each butterfly has our name!

This is where we paste our stickers if our whole group completes and hands up the homework, or if our group is well-behaved.

We have 6 groups; Orchids, Daffodils, Sunflowers, Roses, Tulips and Carnations.

Welcome to a New Year!

Hi Children,

It's time for school again..

Now that you are in Primary 2, you have to work much harder than last year.

I'm glad to be teaching all of you this year :-)

Let's make it a memorable year for all of us!