Our Big Book for this week is 'Life in a Shell' so we learnt about the different animals that live in a shell, for example, snails, turtle, scallops, mussels...
Some of our brave classmates managed to find a snail in school and brought it to class!
Did you know that when snails are scared, they hide inside their shell? When they feel that there is no danger around, they slowly come out of their shell and start moving slowly.
We managed to see how the snail comes out of its shell. It was so interesting!
Look at the pictures below step by step!
1. The snail is hiding inside its shell.
2. Can you see the body coming out slowly?
3.Can you see the feelers sticking out?
4. More of its head is coming out!
5. The whole head is out. It's so slimy. Eeeeeeee...
We finally brought it back to where it came from so that it could be free!
It was amazing!